Archive for ‘Nutrition’

October 18, 2010

Baking a skill

Baking, unlike cooking, requires not just precise measurements and weighing of ingredients but an intimate understanding of ingredients and how they react during the baking process.

Science behind the dish:
An average cake mix is nothing more than a batter that consists of egg proteins, starch granules, gas (air) bubbles, fats and liquids.
As the raw cake mix is heated the gas bubbles begin to expand, the starch granules begin to swell and soak up excess water and the egg proteins begin to unravel into long molecule chains. The cake rises as a result of these reactions.
Once the cake has baked the mix has set into a solid mesh of swollen starch, coagulated proteins and trapped air bubbles.


i thought i studied them

i did not

because i have not done them enough